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How do doctors diagnose knee injuries?

After suffering a personal injury where you slipped and fell on your knee, you want to inventory all the harm you suffered. After all, you cannot get every penny of compensation you deserve if you do not know how much it costs to treat all your injuries.

WebMD explains how health care professionals diagnose knee injuries and pain. Understand your diagnosis options, so you may discuss them with your doctor.

Physical exam

You may need nothing more than a visual examination to diagnose your knee injury or knee pain. During the exam, expect your physician to check your knee for inflammation, warmth and differences in muscles.

Imaging tests

Medical professionals use various imaging tests to see inside the human body. X-rays provide 2D images of bones to identify joint disease and breaks, and magnetic resonance imaging tests use powerful magnets to check for injuries like soft tissue damage. Computed tomography scans use X-rays to create 3D images that help identify bone breaks and issues that X-rays may miss.

Bone scans use film and computer screens to display images of your bones. For the test, you receive a harmless injection of radioactive material. Once the material gathers in your bones, it appears on a scanner.

Lab Tests

Depending on your diagnosis, you may undergo lab tests to confirm your condition. Examples of lab tests include inspecting knee fluid to pinpoint gout, inflammation and infection.

With the right diagnosis method, you know whether and how badly you hurt your knee during your accident. Hopefully, modern medicine helps you know how much to seek in damages from the at-fault party.

The post How do doctors diagnose knee injuries? first appeared on KOO LAW, APC.

The post How do doctors diagnose knee injuries? appeared first on KOO LAW, APC.